You know, I always catch myself thinking as I am planning my own wedding, that I would be so lost if I didn’t work in the industry. There would be so many questions! Like, what questions should I be asking my vendors? When do I need send out invites? How do I even begin?!
So then I got to thinking — why not share my experiences as a bride who also happens to be a videographer? It’s an interesting perspective, especially now that my mind and original ideas of how my wedding should be have completely changed — since my money and a fiance are involved.
You’re engaged? Me Too!
Welcome to my new blog series! Fun title, right? I thought I would make this series to really show an insiders look into wedding planning, from the perspective of a bride-to-be wedding vendor. With this blog series, I want to help other brides out with their planning and to really have the best day ever (hopefully with a little less stress as well). And to kick off this series, I wanted to share a little about me. One of my big goals for 2020 was to incorporate Garren and I more into this business, so our couples can get to know us better before the big day. So today, it’s all about our engagement — which I haven’t shared with all of you yet!
So let’s start with the day of. Garren and I had planned to take a weekend trip to New Orleans. The day we’re leaving, we get our bags packed and arrange an Uber to pick us up. We live fairly close to the airport and had about 2 hours until our flight left, so we had plenty of time. Though, as we were driving in our Uber, we hear *thump* *thump* *thump*! Our Uber got a flat tire! And on the highway! We pull over on the side of 270, with cars rushing past us, and our Uber driver said we could wait while he changes his tire or get another Uber. So we did the latter. After telling our new Uber we were on the side of the highway, she found us pretty well and we were off to the airport. Once there, security was a breeze and we still had time to spare to grab lunch and wait for our plane.
Then boarding time began. People lined up, but no one was moving and nothing was said over the speakers about boarding. Then, we hear over the intercom, “We have to do a mandatory security computer check which may delay the flight 45 minutes to an hour.” Now, this would have been fine and dandy but we had a connecting flight and this delay would have us miss that flight. After the announcement, I don’t think I have seen Garren look so panicked. I was fine, but he seemed worried. I didn’t really think anything of it at the time. He gets up and runs to the service counter. Luckily enough, we get our flights changed! And it was a straight flight. Perfect!
We arrive in New Orleans around 8:00 PM and get to our Airbnb. Garren had told me his friends recommended a band we should check out on Frenchmen Street and they started their set at 10:00 PM. So, we got changed and made our way to Frenchmen. The nightlife in New Orleans was buzzing and I was so excited to just finally be on vacation, that I really didn’t notice if anything was off with Garren. Once we made our way to the jazz club, we grabbed some hurricanes and “cheers!”ed to a great mini vacation. Also, the place was packed and Garren and I made our way to some seats in the corner of the club. Garren started talking to someone from the band, and because Garren is friendly with like everyone, I didn’t suspect a thing.

Now, you may be wondering. Tori — did you have any idea you may be getting engaged this weekend? I pretty much had an idea it was going to happen. Garren and I had been together 5 years at the time, we had discussed the type of ring I wanted, and the big giveaway was he asked me a few weeks before he big day if I was getting my nails done (since I told him if he proposed, I wanted them done).
So back to the jazz club. The concert was going great! Garren and I had gone through a few hurricanes at the time and enjoying the start of our vacation. The band then stopped for their first break and Garren had asked me for my phone. I gave it to him and he headed up to where the band was playing. I was a smidge tipsy, so I thought it was weird, but not too weird. Then he sat down at the piano and I knew.
My heart raced! I totally wished I was a little more sober for the moment, but three hurricanes would have to do. Garren introduced himself and then started playing a song. It was an original song he wrote just for me. I moved my way up to the stage and sat at the stage while Garren played away. I knew what was going to happen next and instead of crying, like I thought I would, I was just all smiles (I know this because it is all on video!). After the song, he turns around and pops the question! Of course, I said yes — in front of about 70 people.
It was seriously a night to remember! My biggest advice to anyone who is planning to propose is to make sure you get the proposal on film. I am so so happy I did! And it doesn’t have to be a big production. Ours is just on my phone, but I am so glad I have that video to look back on. Also, you may have a big speech planned when you get down on one knee, but I would suggest just speaking from your heart. A lot of grooms I speak with have told me when they proposed, everything they rehearsed went out the window! So I wouldn’t stress too much on the actually speech but really live in the moment.
So what’s your proposal story? I’d love to hear it! And if you’re looking for someone to film your engagement, click here.
–xoxo, Tori
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